How to install

Install prerequisites

On Ubuntu systems, we need to run the following commands:

# required to compile fidimag
apt-get install cython python-numpy
# required for tests and running it
apt-get install python-pytest python-pyvtk ipython python-matplotlib mayavi2

These are available in the script bin/ for convenience.

Install external libraries (FFTW and Sundials)

Run the by using


in the fidimag/bin folder.

Install fidimag

In the fidimag folder type


to build fidimag.

Add the fidimag to python path

Add the following to your .bashrc file:

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/fidimag:$PYTHONPATH

for example, suppose fidimag is in the directory of ~/work, then:

export PYTHONPATH=~/work/fidimag:$PYTHONPATH

Add the library path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH

By default, the libraries are installed in fidimag/local, so in order to run fidimag we need to include the libs path in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so please add the following to your .bashrc file:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/fidimag/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

for instance:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/work/fidimag/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Adding OOMMF path to the system

For the tests that call OOMMF (in micro/tests), we need to tell the system where to find it. The way it is currently set up (in util/, we need to find our oommf.tcl file, and add the path to it to .bashrc in this way:

export OOMMF_PATH=/opt/oommf/oommf-1.2a5bis

Installing on Iridis

Few additional notes for installing on iridis.

Loading Modules

Need to load the hg and numpy modules. This can be done by

module load hg numpy

These modules will only be loaded for your current session on iridis. To have the modules automatically loaded at login, you can add them to the module initlist by

module initadd hg numpy

Installing PyTest and PyVTK

py.test and PyVTK need to be installed locally (at /home/$USER/.local/bin/) by

pip install --user pytest pyvtk

The following path needs to be added to the .bashrc file

export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH

Cloning Repository

Can only be done with ssh keys.

Quick test

Go to the fidimag/tests folder and type “py.test”, a similar result is expected

============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.5 -- pytest-2.4.2
collected 20 items . .. .. . .... .. ....... .

========================== 20 passed in 2.31 seconds ===========================

How to set up a virtual machine via vagrant

  • install vagrant on your host machine

  • run:

    vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64

    to set up a basic linux machine.

  • run:

    vagrant up

    to start the machine.

  • ssh into the machine with X-forwarding:

    vagrant ssh -- -X

Then within the virtual machine:

aptitude install git
git clone
cd fidimag/bin
sudo sh
cd ..

To run the tests:

cd /home/vagrant/fidimag/tests


  • some tests will fail as OOMMF is not installed
  • it seems that we need an active X server, on OS X, one may need to install XQuartz before the tests can pass (even ‘import fidimag’ failed without a working X server).